Thursday, January 22, 2009




今年的新年比起去年的来得更期待,也许是期待在全新的一年里能有更好的明天,事事如意。也许辛苦了一整年,希望今年做牛的我(刻苦耐劳),能在牛年里当个牧童,逍遥些,称心如意。无论如何,我知道,只要我相信,一切就可能会发生在我身上。I BELIEVE

1 comment:

Happy "Sam" said...

Really 辛苦你了 !!
Can enjoy now ~~~
Can go back home town is a enjoy, meet cousin, grandmother and grandfather ~~~

I am a local people, so all my grandmother and grandfather also local ...
So no home town can go back ...

Don't be sad, if no bonus.
You already try you best ~~
But no yet end ~~
I belief that you still got chance get bonus ~~~~

You are the best already ~~
Outside find money back then give all your parenst and got 2 lucky , helpfull brother help share share take care parents ~~

2009 years ~~ we must fight ~~
fight for our dream ~~
fight for our love ~~
fight for our parents ~~
fight for our life ~~
fight ~~ fight ~~ fight ~~
Ya, i belief too ~~~~